Application of thickeners in mineral processing

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Thickeners are widely used in mineral processing, mainly in the following aspects

Slurry concentration

In the mineral processing process, the concentration of the slurry directly affects the efficiency and effect of the subsequent process. By thickening the slurry with a thickener, the concentration of the slurry can be increased, the processing volume of the subsequent process can be reduced, and thus the production efficiency can be improved.

Tailings treatment

Tailings are waste generated during the mineral processing process and usually contain a large amount of water. Dehydrating the tailings with a thickener can reduce the volume of the tailings, reduce the construction and maintenance costs of the tailings pond, and reduce the impact on the environment.

Backwater utilization

In the mineral processing process, the utilization efficiency of water resources is crucial. By thickening the slurry with a thickener, the clear liquid can be recovered for the production process, reducing the consumption of fresh water and improving the utilization rate of water resources.

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